Sponsor Registration - Mental Illness at the End of Life
/The Greater Grand Rapids End of Life Coalition presents: “Mental Illness at the End of Life”
Dr. Susan Maximer, Associate Professor, University of Michigan, Director of Geropscychiatric Department
Kevin Hengeveld, MSN, RN, CNL & Nicky Lewis, LMSW
Joy Spahn, Alzheimer’s Association - Greater Michigan Chapter & Carol Robinson, Making Choices Michigan
Community Panel:
Dr. Jack Mahdasian, MD,MA -Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services
David Vanderark, MSN, RN - Mercy Health St. Mary’s Campus
Diane Wiersma, MSW - Spectrum Health Hospice
Conference Audience: Healthcare professionals: nurses, social workers, chaplains, and community members, 200 capacity
5.0 CNE/CEU’s
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Gold Conference Sponsor (7 available) - $300
Display/booth placement in main conference room
Acknowledgement of organization in speaker introduction
Company/logo listed in attendee packets
Organization logo on powerpoint looping at start/breaks/finish of event
Company materials* placed in conference bags
Attendance for 2, with or without CEU/CNE’s
Silver Conference Sponsor (20 available) - $200
Display/booth in Fireside room
Company/logo listed in attendee packets
Organization log on powerpoint loopi ng at start/breaks/finish of event
Company materials* placed in conference bags
Attendance for 1, with or without CEU/CNE’s
Table Sponsor (20 available) - $75
Company name/logo on table tents
Company materials* placed in conference bags
*Company materials limited to one brochure and one promotional item.
Items must be delivered by March 7, 2019 to:
Gilda’s Club, 1806 Bridge Street NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
In addition, please email your company logo to grendoflife@gmail.com ASAP!
For more event information, visit our website at www.grendoflife.org.