Attention Sponsors - Registration is Now Open!
/Event Description (featuring Dr. Alan Wolfelt - founder and director of the Center for Loss & Life Transition)
This year Greater Grand Rapids End of Life Coalition (GGREOLC) has decided to bring two great events to Grand Rapids for 2016, and we're thrilled that Dr. Alan Wolfelt will be leading both events!
The first event is set for Tuesday, September 20th, 2016 from 7pm-9pm. This is a FREE Community Event, lead by Dr. Alan Wolfelt, with a focus on “Understanding Your Grief: Touchstones for Hope and Healing.” This free event is targeted toward community members; however, we expect faith leaders and healthcare professional may want to attend as well.
The second event is target toward healthcare and end of life professionals. This event is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21, 2016 from 8am-4pm. The topic is Exploring Complicated “Mourning”: Sudden Death and Trauma Loss and again is lead by Dr. Alan Wolfelt. It is geared toward working professionals and offers 5 CEUs/CNEs.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Gold Sponsor (6 available) - $500
Gold level sponsors will have the advantage of being located inside the main conference room where there is space for only 6 tables. Gold Sponsorship Includes:
- Display/booth placement inside main conference room for both events
- Acknowledgement of organization in speaker introduction
- Company/logo listed in attendee packets
- Organization logo on powerpoint that loops at start/breaks/finish of event
- Company materials* placed in conference bags
- Attendance for 2 to both events (includes CEU/CNEs if desired)
Conference Sponsor (25 available) - $300
This sponsorship provides a great value for our all-day professional event on September 21 as it includes attendance to the conference for two (including CEU/CNEs if desired). Conference Sponsor includes:
- Display booth just outside of main conference room for both events
- Acknowledgement of organization in speaker introduction
- Company/logo listed in attendee packets
- Display table in lobby outside of main conference room
- Company materials* placed in conference bags
- Attendance for 2 to both events (includes CEU/CNEs if desired)
Table Sponsor (30 available) - $75
- Company name/logo on table tents
- Company materials* placed in conference bags
*Company materials limited to one brochure and one promotional item. Items must be delivered by September 9, 2016 to Gilda’s Club (1806 Bridge Street NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504).
Additionally, please email your company logo to ASAP!