"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."


- T.S. Elliot

Who We Are

The Greater Grand Rapids End of Life Coalition is a community-wide collaboration of area hospice, hospital, higher education, and service organizations dedicated to increasing awareness and improving end of life care within the greater Grand Rapids community.

Our Mission

The mission of the Greater Grand Rapids End of Life Coalition is to increase awareness and create opportunities for improving end of life care within the greater Grand Rapids community. Ongoing efforts of the Greater Grand Rapids End of Life Coalition include:

  • Raising community awareness about end of life care
  • Addressing end of life care through collaborative education
  • Educating health care professionals in end of life care
  • Supporting professionals working in end of life care
  • Development of specific projects to positively impact end of life care in the greater Grand Rapids area

Our History

The Greater Grand Rapids End of Life Coalition officially formed in January 2003 as a result of a successful partnership in September 2002 where, as a group, coalition partners sponsored the weeklong Between Now and Forever event at Grand Rapids Community College. This successful community event drew nearly 400 people to a national touring exhibit on loss, grief, and healing; and 200 people to a series of workshops on end of life issues. EOL coalition now sponsors yearly conferences addressing End of Life issues across the lifespan.

What we mean by "End of Life"

The term “end of life” can have different meanings to different people. Whatever the term may mean to you, it is never too early to begin planning for yourself and those that you love. Some of the areas that people may think of in relationship to the term “end of life” include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Hospice
  • Palliative care (comfort care)
  • Advance directives
  • Quality of life